Call for Abstracts

2020 Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (May 27 - 29, 2020)

Steps and Instructions:

  1. Call for Proposals

    The conference focuses on programs, policies, and services that support low-income and vulnerable families on the path to economic self-sufficiency. Conference presentations will feature both basic and applied research with an audience that includes researchers, practitioners, state and local administrators, and policymakers.

    OPRE invites proposals for individual presentations, full conference sessions, and roundtables. OPRE will consider the following criteria for proposals:

    • Relevance to family self-sufficiency policy or program design and administration as outlined in the track descriptions
    • Methodological rigor, including the use of experimental and quasi-experimental designs, strong qualitative work, innovative uses of data, or well-designed alternative research methods
    • Innovative approaches or new contributions to the field
    • Accessibility to a range of attendees, including non-researchers
    • Clarity of description

    OPRE has a strong preference for presentations that highlight recent findings in empirical research, particularly research based on rigorous, experimental designs. OPRE also welcomes studies using other innovative methodologies that do not use traditional randomized controlled trials. Presentations that feature or combine research findings with input from state and local practitioners are especially welcome. OPRE encourages session organizers to broaden their networks and familiarize themselves with other work in their topic area in order to submit full conference proposals when possible.

    OPRE may request a draft presentation or paper prior to making a final decision.

    Session Structure

    Conference sessions will be 75 minutes in length, and may consist of up to three presentations, two presentations and one prepared commentary, or some other format. All sessions should reserve 15 minutes at the end for audience questions and discussion.

    Roundtables will be 75 minutes in length, and may consist of up to two facilitators. This discussion-based format is intended to be an opportunity for attendees to participate in interactive conversations on topics relevant to the research highlighted at the conference.

    Emerging Scholars

    OPRE is particularly interested in fostering the work of new and emerging scholars in the family self-sufficiency field. To support this effort, OPRE will once again feature work from emerging scholars at the 2020 conference. Emerging scholars are early in their research careers, and can include recent PhD and Master’s graduates (2015 and later), as well as individuals who are currently in graduate school. OPRE will host specific opportunities to feature the work of emerging scholars during the conference, which may include paper presentations or a special poster session. Individuals who are early in their careers are strongly encouraged to submit proposals for the conference. You will be asked to denote whether you are an emerging scholar on the proposal submission form.

    Speaker Travel

    OPRE may be able to support travel and lodging for a limited number of speakers, including emerging scholars. The proposal submission site includes an application for travel support. You MUST complete this application to be considered for travel support. OPRE cannot consider requests for travel support without a completed application. OPRE has limited travel funds and will not be able to cover travel costs for all speakers.

    Scheduling Requests

    If your proposal is accepted, you will be expected to be available to present during any of the conference sessions. If you have scheduling limitations, please email them to Please limit scheduling requests to reasons of great importance including religious observances, medical needs, or international travel limitations. OPRE does not guarantee that we will be able to honor all scheduling requests.

    Proposal Guidelines

    Google Chrome is the preferred browser for the proposal submission system. All proposals must be in English. Proposals must adhere to the word limit for each section (approximately 500 words in total, exclusive of biographical sketches) and should summarize the content of the presentation. If you are proposing a full conference session, please include a title for the session along with a general description/rationale and then submit a separate proposal for each presentation to be included in the session (limit three presentations per conference session).

    Proposals should include:

    • Presentation title
    • As appropriate, detail on research, such as:
      • research questions addressed
      • research design implemented (e.g. experimental, quasi-experimental, econometric analysis)
      • data sources used
      • analysis methods
      • findings, including non-significant findings as appropriate
    • Relevance to conference tracks
    • When and where else the presentation has been or will be presented
    • A biographical sketch for each of the proposed presenters/discussants (no more than 250 words each)
    • Contact information for each of the proposed presenters/discussants
    • Funding source for the project or study

    Please note: If research was conducted under a grant or contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or another part of the Federal government, then proposals must include the name of the project under which the research was funded.

    You may include co-authors in your proposal. However, please note that we typically invite only one speaker to present and can only list that speaker in the program book due to space constraints. If selected, you are encouraged to recognize co-authors’ contributions during your presentation.


    Please direct questions about conference content to:
    Amelia Popham at or Victoria Kabak at

    Please direct questions about conference logistics to:

  2. Tracks

    Each submission requires that a primary track be selected from the list below. A secondary track may also be selected.
    • TANF Programs, Policies, and Populations
      • This track focuses on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and TANF-related programs, including innovative practices and strategies for promoting employment and serving populations eligible for and/or served by TANF programs. It will feature studies that further our knowledge of state, local, and tribal TANF programs and how TANF populations are served by and access related programs.
    • Employment and Mobility in the Labor Market
      • This track focuses on stable employment as a pathway out of poverty and will address a variety of topics related to job placement, retention and training strategies that promote upward mobility in the labor market for vulnerable populations, including career pathways initiatives and other innovative approaches.
    • Youth Well-Being and the Transition to Adulthood
      • This track explores ways to support youth well-being, the integral relationship between youth well-being and family economic security, and the promotion of self-sufficiency for young adults. This includes studies on promising approaches such as home visiting and strategies that coordinate adult and youth services. This track also features work related to youth employment and the transition to adulthood.
    • Strengthening Families, Fatherhood, Marriages, and Relationships
      • This track features studies examining strategies to strengthen relationships within families, support father involvement, and promote healthy relationships. This includes studies related to healthy marriage, responsible fatherhood, and teen pregnancy prevention.
    • Evaluating Social Programs, Building Evidence, and Using Data
      • This track features a range of presentations focused on how to build, replicate, and use evidence in social service programs. It will also include sessions relevant to practitioners and non-research audiences, such as program approaches to using data to support continuous quality improvement and alternatives to randomized controlled trials.
    • Approaches to Alleviate Poverty and Expand Opportunity
      • This track presents a broad range of research on poverty, stability, and approaches to assisting low-income families become employed as they receive federal safety net benefits (e.g., Medicaid, food assistance, EITC, housing subsidies, child support, etc.). This track will feature studies on poverty reduction programs aimed at supporting family economic self-sufficiency among low-income and vulnerable populations.
  3. Individual Proposal Submission Instructions

    • Tracks: You must select a primary track from the list and may also select a secondary track.
    • Proposed Presentation:
      • Title: 15 word limit.
      • Organizer Email: An email containing a link to return to the submission will be sent to this address when this step is saved.
      • Several questions about funding sources, emerging scholar status, etc.
      • Overview of the Presentation: 200 word limit.
      • Data Sources and Research Methods: 100 word limit.
      • Key Findings or Summary of Main Points: 150 word limit.
    • Travel Support Application: If the presenter indicated interest in obtaining OPRE travel funding on the proposed presentation step, this step will appear and relevant information will be collected (name, interest, previous support, etc.).
    • Roles: Individual presentations must have a Presenter and an Alternate Contact added. These must be two different people.
    • Confirmation: Once you reach the confirmation page and click "Submit" an email will be sent confirming completion. Even if a submission is indicated as complete, changes can be made to the submission up until the final deadline.
  4. Full Conference Session Submission Instructions

    Full conference sessions require specific information about each speaker and their presentation. Please note that the required information for each proposed presentation must be completed in full to reach the confirmation page.

    Overall Session Steps & Requirements

    • Tracks: You must select a primary track from the list and may also select a secondary track.
    • Proposed Session:
      • Title: 15 word limit.
      • Organizer Email: An email containing a link to return to the submission will be sent to this address when this step is saved.
      • Session Rationale/Description: Overview of the issue discussed in the session, rationale for featuring the presentations proposed, and a brief description of each of the presentations, including how they relate to one another. 500 word limit.
    • Roles:
      • Organizer: Required (max of 1).
      • Alternate Contact: Required (max of 1).
      • Discussant: Not required (max of 1).
      • Moderator: Not required (max of 1).
      • Presenter: Required (at least 2, max of 3). You must add a presentation title when adding a Presenter. This can be edited later by you or the Presenter. Presenters will be emailed a link to edit/complete their presentation information, though the session organizer can also do this.
    • Confirmation: Once the required information for each proposed presentation is complete, you will be able to access the confirmation page and click "Submit." An email will be sent confirming completion. Even if a submission is indicated as complete, changes can be made to the submission up until the final deadline.

    Presentation Steps & Requirements

    • Proposed Presentation:
      • Title: 15 word limit.
      • Several questions about funding sources, emerging scholar status, etc.
      • Overview of the Presentation: 200 word limit.
      • Data Sources and Research Methods: 100 word limit.
      • Key Findings or Summary of Main Points: 150 word limit.
    • Travel Support Application: If the presenter indicated interest in obtaining OPRE travel funding on the proposed presentation step, this step will appear and relevant information will be collected. (name, interest, previous support, etc.).
    • Roles: Each presentation must have a Presenter and an Alternate Contact added. These must be two different people.
    • Confirmation: Once you reach the confirmation page and click "Submit" an email will be sent confirming completion. Even if a submission is indicated as complete, changes can be made to the submission up until the final deadline.
  5. Roundtable Submission Instructions

    • Tracks: You must select a primary track from the list and may also select a secondary track.
    • Proposed Roundtable:
      • Title: 15 word limit.
      • Organizer Email: An email containing a link back to submission will be sent to this address when this step is saved.
      • Roundtable Rationale/Description: 500 word limit.
      • Several questions about funding sources, emerging scholar status, etc.
    • Travel Support Application: If the organizer or facilitator indicated interest in obtaining OPRE travel funding on the proposed roundtable step, this step will appear and relevant information will be collected. (name, interest, previous support, etc.)
    • Roles:
      • Organizer: Required (max of 1).
      • Alternate Contact: Required (max of 1).
      • Facilitator: Required (max of 2).
        Note: The Organizer and Facilitator can be the same person.
    • Confirmation: Once you reach the confirmation page and click "Submit," an email will be sent confirming completion. Even if a submission is indicated as complete, changes can be made to the submission up until the final deadline.
  6. Technical Support

    Fill out this form to Contact technical support, or call 401-334-0220 Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 6pm Eastern Time.

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